The big push this week was setting up the printing, troubleshooting and delivering in-service training to the teachers on operation and use of the new thin client classroom computers. Each classroom except for grade 3 classrooms received 5 thin clients. Initially, grades K-2 will use the thin clients for center work, research and publishing. Grades 4-5 will focus on research, publishing and academic skill reinforcement.
In an effort to help students focus on grade level skills and research, I have created web pages that provide appropriate literacy and math links for each grade level. In addition, I am visiting the classrooms and working with small groups of students on the operation of the selected software games.
Grade 1: Students worked on an assignment in the computer lab in which they typed and formatted text on plant growth. Emphasis was placed on word wrapping, error correction techniques and file manipulation. The goal of this exercise was to help students work towards becoming independent word publishers.