Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 10

Laptop cart usage is up at our school! This week, Mrs. Saldivar’s class used 2 carts to type up their persuasive paragraphs. Mrs. White’s class used the laptops to start creating brochures on the states that they had been researching.

Grade 3: In the computer lab, 3rd grade students wrapped up the state trading card project Students researched information on their state and typed in the text for their last card. The cards turned out beautiful and can be viewed and downloaded from the Grade 3 computer lab dropio website. Students are continuing to contribute to their classroom blogs. 3rd grade blogs can be viewed at,,, and

Grade 4:
4th grade students put the finishing touches on their explorer’s webpages. The completed webpages can be viewed at Once at the site, scroll to the bottom of the page and search by teacher name. The teacher name is : tpeslajolla. Select the desired webpages (posters) to view by clicking on the poster number. Students spent the bulk of the 45 minute period learning about how wireless internet works. They learned about routers, they typed up several paragraphs related to the subject. Once text was typed, students brought in clip art and formatted the document to produce a professional looking document. Students were required to bold text, change fonts, center, create double spacing, right justify text, insert and resize clipart as part of the assignment.

Grade 5: Students in grade 5 began a project in which they will be creating a brochure that ties into the required 5th grade science curriculum. For the project students are researching a planet and creating a brochure to advertise an adventure travel trip to the planet.

5th Dimension: A new group of UCSD students has joined us in the lab. We played an ice breaker game so that everyone could get to know each other. After the game, 4/5 students worked on reviewing their vocabulary through a bingo game. 2/3 students continued to complete game related task cards with their new UCSD buddies.