This past week, I met with several teachers to assist in implementing blogs and websites. In case you haven't already heard, one of the newest editions to our growing list of classroom blogs is the TP Science Fun Blog. Be sure to check it out. Find out what the students are learning in Science and learn some really cool science facts!
Digital stories continue to be a wonderful way to showcase student writing. Students in Ms. White's grade 2/3 class wrote narrative stories and created illustrations to go along with their writing. Each student imported their illustrations, edited them and are now in the process of adding narration. These surely will be keepsakes for years to come.
Grade 1 and Grade 3 students visited the computer lab this week. Also, the 5th Dimension after-school program met in the lab. Here is a summary of what went on.
Grade 1: Students were introduced to a program called "Drawing For Children". While using this program, students were able to practice a number of important technology skills. Some of the skills practiced were double clicking, opening and closing files, saving, choosing different tools such as stamps, painting tools, using the Shift key to modify text, importing pictures and much more. Students use the "Drawing For Children" program to work on a project that was directly related to their Science unit on "the Five Senses". As part of the project, students worked on completing a graphic organizer in which they used stamps to indicate what could be seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelled. In addition to the many computer skills practiced through this project, students had an opportunity to reinforce the classroom learning.
Grade 3: Students were assigned computers and began work on the keyboarding program, Type To Learn. Students really enjoy the graphics and time travel theme around which the program is designed. Proper technique was stressed over speed.
5th Dimension After-School Program: The 5th Dimension after-school program pairs Torrey Pines students with a UCSD buddy for learning enrichment activities as well as homework assistance. This week, students participating in the program had an opportunity to conduct a short interview with their buddy and introduce them to the rest of the after-school program participants. Students also decorated folders that will be used for the rest of the year.